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it should be very interesting to see how they innovate with the wii2. i personally think they will just vastly improve in many areas without actually bringing forth a whole new innovation. its the innovative and fun software that is gonna drive sales of the next wii just like wii sports, wii fit, mario kart, ssbb, smg is currently driving hw sales of the wii. with hd graphics every bit as good or slightly better than the 360/ps3, vastly improved motion controls, a full good online system/community, and a good sized harddrive the wii2 would have the tools to lead the next gen and to bring all those wii gamers back plus more.

better graphics that are closer to what the next sony/ms systems offer will grab more high quality 3rd party games for the wii2 than the wii is getting and overall lead to a better library. this will bring in a bigger percentage of the traditional gamer and get more new gamers (i.e. kids/teenagers) to get wii2 over the other systems.

better motion controls will only make current types of games better and open up the avenue for new types of games that need very precise motion sensing technology to be good. this will help bring in all types of gamers, casual and traditional.

a bigger harddrive means more downloadable things like games and demos and content. thus improving the system.

and a full online community without ridiculous friendcode type limitations will again open up new ways to play games.

all these things improve games and can help pull in both traditional and casual gamers. after that all the wii2 would need is a $250 price again and some really fun software from the launch. a really fun pack in that will show off how the wii2 is better than the wii and everything else and will appeal to everyone just like wii sports would be a great idea to do again with the wii2. and a couple other core games and casual games at launch that show how fun and better the system is than the wii along with the brand loyalty that the wii will have built up should be enticing enough to give it the needed momentum to continue nintendo's dominance. of course it will be harder next gen since sony and microsoft should both be bringing motion control consoles to the market as well.

end of '08 predictions: wii - 43 million,  360 - 25 million, ps3 - 20 million


Games I've beat recently: Super Mario Galaxy, Knights of the Old Republic, Shadow of the Collossus


Proud owner of wii, gamecube, xbox, ps2, dreamcast, n64, snes, genesis, 3DO, nes, atari, intellivision, unisonic tournament 2000, and gameboy