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RolStoppable said:
donathos said:
So... if FFXIV came to Wii, we're worried that, what? Gamesites like IGN would score it an 8 or something on graphics? I mean, SE would still ensure that the graphics were tight "for the Wii," right? And everything else could be as stellar as on any other system, so the game could still score in the high 90s, etc.

And... since Wii owners almost by definition aren't obsessive about graphical capabilities, the game could sell very well... in fact, if SE approached things in the right way, and tapped into Nintendo's Blue Ocean philosophy, they might introduce an entire new market to their flagship brand which... would be good for JRPGs?

In short, it could still be a kickass game and sell millions of copies. So, I don't see why it would be traumatic or anything to have a true Final Fantasy come to the Wii.

Of course you would say this, but then again you are clearly NOT a Final Fantasy fan in the first place.


Wait, what's wrong with a "main" FF game coming to the Wii?