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@ Dolemite - way to ignore the article and change sentences around

@ everyone else - way to not read the article and go off in a tizzy.


Lets read that part of the article. 

Starting today, owners of the pricey PlayStation 3 — there are nearly 17 million of them worldwide, a scant 200,000, for the month of October, of whom live in the U.S. — can download the software for free via Sony's PlayStation Network, which connects the game consoles on the Net so users can play each other. Sony is calling the roll-out a 'beta,' meaning Home is still being crash tested, so buyer beware. That said, this is a pretty stable environment, and I think referring to it as a beta test is a little disingenuous, or a heavy-handed way of saying that Home is a work in progress. Trust me. Home will always be a work in progress. It's a software platform and will forever be updated; Sony has said that it intends to add and remove features based on whether users use them.

The bolded part is for Dolemit's second statement about crash testing. He didn't say that was the case at all, he said that's what a beta is. Now on to the big one.

ok, do you people know how a "-" works? It breaks up a sentence to add something in between. Remove what's in the -'s and you get "Starting today, owners of the pricey Playstation 3 can download the software for free"

he's not saying there is a limit on how many people can play the beta. And what is in the -'s? 

there are nearly 17 million of them worldwide, a scant 200,000, for the month of October, of whom live in the U.S.

So he's saying 200,000 were sold in October in America. I don't know if that's right or not, but it's pretty obvious that he meant for October.


Anyone who responded in any other way than "Don't be dumb dolemit3" will be sent to the corner to think about how they've acted.


I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.