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People enjoy living in the now, not the "soon to be" or the "past". It will be interesting to see when/if a price cut for the PS3 comes, how many of the "suddenly gone missing" Sony fans return. We all remember how the numbers threads were back in August.

What's sad is, now that the 360 and Wii and in "beat down mode" (sales wise) I am hard pressed to find a recognized "Sony Defense Force" from August (minus a few loyal ones). I liked having them around.....they kept things interesting and crazy. These old members have either been banned, stopped posting, or created alts because they recently bought a 360 and/or Wii, and realized it's awesomesauceness, and stopped all the hate.

The PS3 is an amazing system, I really like it, and if the price was right, I would have one to compliment my Wii60. But holding onto the "We will eventually come in 2nd, just wait for (insert year here)" or "If you really stand back and look at it, PS3 is on-par with 360 sales wise" talk......your probably going to get your feelings hurt. Regardless interesting perspective, even though the point is crushed in less than 2 weeks.