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Barozi said:

vlad321 said:

Actually, I don't own a PS3 at all ( I don't know where this knowledge comes from but you are wrong yet again, I honestly lost count how many times that makes in a single thread), nor do I own a 360 (no point in wasting money in rip-offs of the PC). I do own a Wii but that's back home with my brother. I have unlimited access to all 3 however since I'm living with a few really good friends of mine (will continue to do so until I graduate), and they own those (we actually have 2 360s but meh). I very highly suggest you stop with all your assumptions because you keep making a bigger and bigger idiot of yourself. Then again if you do I will lose the source of great entertainment so I guess it'd be better off if you don't.

News flash CoD4 was not a good shooter, it was your typical watered down console shooter, so I'm sorry if I don't even care. Maybe when a shooter that can come even close to matching Half-Life 2/UT2004 on a console I'll start caring, but I doubt that will e happening any time soon. What I do care is that now with the mod tools we get utterly free and endless content for Fallout 3 that is created by the community. You can go ahead and keep on paying for your trashy and useless DLC (at least this one), I'll stick to my free content. I'm sure that anyone who has a PC that can run FO3 would choose the PC version over the 360 given the community support, so obviously it's hurting sales in some way.

As for windows, who said I'm using windows at all? I could just as easily be running on an apple or using linux. I am in fact running on windows, but that really does not mean one is required to have windows to run games. As I said previously, stop assuming, it makes you look like a fool. It seems like you are the one needing basic high school education.


You = FAIL

I'm sure over 99,5% on this side will agree with me.


Let me guess.... those 99,5% are all console gamers? Then again even a lot of PC gamers think I'm crazy when I call CS a weak game. When it comes down the the wire, TF2 is a far better game than CoD4, and that's why CoD4 didn't sell at all, like I said, it's jsut a mediocre shooter, paling when compared to TF2.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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