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@ selnor )

I didn't critize the graphics that much - they don't look better than Forza2 (and come january you will hear that from every reviewer aswell), but as I said before still "good enough for me"

Don't get me wrong, I love Simbins PC games. I played GTR and GT Legends and thought they were fantastic, although I never managed to be really good in those games.

And that's exactly why I can't forgive Simbin for that gameplay visible in each of the videos on gamersyde, but especially in the Koenigsegg one, with those extremely cheap and unrealistic looking impacts with other cars and the fact, that although the player is a total noob he still manages to drive to the top ranks.

I had high hopes for this game and wanted it to bring realistic sims to consoles and in fact I still hope it manages to do so in sim mode, but the arcade mode (I pray to god that thing shown was the arcade mode) is less realistic than GRID with all driving asissts on.

Ofcourse I'm not stupid enough to expect YOU to consider anything I said and I guess the only thing you will do is "ad hominem" me even more, but I wanted the people that read our little "discussion" to understand my frustration with this game.

P.S.: Gamersyde _download_ videos are far better quality than Gametrailers, the compression they use is of a distinctly higher quality. The stream-videos aren't in HD resolution, which is why GT avi HD videos look better than those, but the flash HD videos don't.

And I'm not sure what kind of complain you have with gamersydes bandwith - I get 1.4MB/s from them if I dl a vid, while I get at most 260KB/s from GT per connection with a max of 2 connections.