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Got a copy all for myself on the PC now, and the differences between the 360 and the PC game are, as expected, minimal. I found control with the mouse and Keyboard to be far more responsive than I expected, however there are times when the controls just get annoying. In combat, with the constantly moving camera it can get pretty annoying when all of the sudden your forward no longer moves you forwards but sideways, if you were unlucky enough to release it for a split second. It's still better controlled with a controller but you definietly won't be as frustrated with a mouse and kbd set-up. Another problem is that you can't spcify your video settings, there's only an option for vert sync, a slide bar for low,med,high detials, a checkbox for high res textures, and a resolution selector with a button for widescreen, also no .ini files.

Now for what's the upside of the PC version. I put this on the tower just so I could see what would happen and... HOLY 1920x1200 everything on high BATMAN! I mean there are games where this is a small differene or one that doesn't really do much, but the larger resolution really brings all the artwork to a nearly whole new level. Just wow.

So that's that, the rest of the game is the same. I absolutely despise the fact there's a double jump, it serves absolutely no purpose other than causing you a few more cheap deaths. I also liked the previous PoP combat to this one's, it just felt far more devastating than what we are offered here, especially when you mow down 4 enemies with 1 devastating combo. The other part that I feel is kind of lacking is the general puzzle solving. Yes it's far far more fluid with respec to the Sands trilogy, but it also feels far easier, and it's not because of Elika either. I haven't met any ridiculous death hallways a la Warrior Within or Two Thrones. It's generally just jump from one wall to the next, then press jump again, then grab a ring and jump again. Everything is automatic, more or less, and it really takes away from the fun, at least for me.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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