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The untrained eye may not be able to see them but I can.
their face shape is virtually identical. You simply are confuse because of the difference of when their mouth is open, stretched, and closed. Eye color AND shape....same. In my mind I always remember mariska with dark hair so it is also easy to see the similarities there. I mean really, look at those cheek bones, the same. They both have this wierd block shape head thing going (still beautiful). The noses are similar at the bridge, not at base though.

The one thing that keeps them apart is the skin age difference. You can tell Mariska is getting in the years, while HR model is portrayed much younger.

As for the Uncanny Valley comment, I know what it means. I was being a tad sarcastic and invertive in my usage of it. When I said that I was saying there are quite a few similarities between the two, bringing them closer to likeness.

I relate Mariska with HR model just as
Law from Tekken is Bruce Lee
Commander Sheperd of Mass Effect looks like the brother from Prison Break
Lei Wulong looks like Jackie Chan
Sephiroth looks like Ziggy Stardust

gosh, you guys get all tense about anything.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)