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Maynard_Tool said:
Max King of the Wild said:
LOL @ Maynard and insomniac and people who are talking about PS3's sales.

FACT: PS3 is on par with last years sales WITHOUT a price cut.
FACT: PS3 sales last year were awesome!
FACT: This year Ps3 sales are still awesome!
FACT: The compitition is selling more which brings out the trolls


2008 was supposed to be the year for the ps3, insted with better games and a lot of deals, the ps3 is still selling the same.... oh wait, this week last year i think the ps3 sold more in the US.

Ps3 sales are not awesome, DS and Wii's are. X360 too

The ps3 is not moving foward, which brings the excuses for people like you, and then we come to just tell the truth and then you start talking s**t and offending others with no apparent reason.




 This year.....

VGChartz Hardware data for the period 05th Jan 2008 to 06th Dec 2008:

Console PS3


Last year...

VGChartz Hardware data for the period 06th Jan 2007 to 08th Dec 2007:

Console PS3


You gys are making this too easy.