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Hyruken said:
Compared to sales this week last year
PS3 = 39k means it is 9k DOWN from last year which is i think 25% decrease
360 = 8k. Means it increased by 2k which is like a 20% INCREASE.
Wii = 113k. Means it dropped 58k almost 50%!

So compared to last year BIG FALLS for PS3 and Wii where as 360 was only one to gain.

Not so great sales then really.


You're mistaken man, last year sales for Wii were more like 73k, and it was the week wi fit was released...

edit: woops! i checked the wrong week for Japan. That was actually the week ending december 1st.. appologies


I think the main problem in Japan is that consoles havent kicked of yet, with numbers of last year almost identical to this year(excluding handhelds), where as in the west, wii and overall console sales have improved alot...