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Skeeuk said:
DMeisterJ said:
Tons of companies have signed up to have Game Spaces or Content in Home.

Looks like all of the people who don't want it to do good are going to be very unhappy. Pubs/Devs seem to be on board with Home. I think it'll be a huge cash cow.

@nightsurge you seeem to want anything ps3 related to fail..............its ok to prefer one over another, but to want another to fail is just sad.

i prefer my ps3 way way more than my 360 or wii, in games and internet, but i wouldnt want the other 2 to fail or anything.

go bang your bongo drums elsewhere.....ps3 owners have been waiting a long time for this, its free to use and free to download. i predict many people will make some kind of use for it as its free

I've never once wished PS3 or Wii would fail or any great games like LBP or Killzone 2 to fail.  Any favoring of the 360 is because it has provided me a much better experience than the others.  The PS3 is still a great Blu-Ray player for me, and it has some games I will be getting soon.  It just hasn't lived up to what it should have.  The 360's games have been better, and the PS3 exclusives have let me down so far (SOCOM especially).

As far as PS3 owners having waited a long time for this, you can't say that, because that infers that every PS3 owner has been waiting and wanting it, which is not true.  Some have been waiting, some could care less.  I was actually excited and thrilled to get the beta code and WANTED Home to be good.  It just wasn't what I had hoped, and ended up boring me, which is why I post now.  I'm not the only PS3 owner that dislikes Home, i'm just targeted because I also own a 360 and have spent much more time with it than the PS3.