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Dgc1808 said:
How can you say it's not for gamers???? It's on a platform known as the SONY Playstation 3 Computer Entertainment System. The Playstation 3's main functionality is gaming isn't it??? If it wasn't for gamers then why would they put it on a system that's mainly revolved around BD gaming and movies??? Is it for the Movie lovers???? Because that makes even less sense......... why they hell would the have rooms for online games like warhawk if it were for movie lovers????

As for the "CashCow" thing, that's a potential yes. And am pretty sure SONY would love that to be the case.


 Netflix is on the Xbox 360. Do you think someone interested in gaming only will bother with it?

From what we've seen so far, most of Home's game-related content is alot more social based - there's actually not too many features/options that making gaming easier and more convenient. I can understand that they're aiming for a very social experience, but if Home isn't doing much else besides making it easier for me to meet people, I can't say I'll be using it very much for gaming purposes.

And I wonder......why is it that I can only chat with people if they're playing the same game as me? This is what I'm talking about: Making gaming itself easier and more convenient. It's starting to look like PSN does a better job at meeting people than it does at communicating with them - sending messages back and forth can really be a hassle sometimes. Unless Home can provide more features like that, I'm definitely gonna say that Xbox Live still has some communication advantages over PSN.

PSN: Parasitic_Link