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Phoenix_Wiight said:
psychoBrew said:

I'm already hyped about The Conduit and Monster Hunter 3.  If Battlefront 3 comes out for the Wii and it's done right (not a watered down and stupified version from other consoles), that is another game I will definitely be purchasing.  I'm really interested in a good traditional RPG as well (preferably a first person RPG) -- casting spells and sword fighting may make you look rediculous, but it would be a ton of fun.  Not sure what traditional RPG's are comming out, if any though.

There are numberous games comming out for the Wii in 2009 with tons of potential, even more than what's on your list.  I guess it comes down to your definition of hard core though.


If you're looking for a RPG for the Wii that will be coming out, check out Arc Rice Fantasia. There isn't much info on it yet, but it looks like it could be a really good RPG (though its not first person like you want =/.)


There are a few Action RPG's I'm interested in such as Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga, Dynamic Slash, and possibly Golden Bonds.  I'll have to look in to Arc Rice Fantasia, but I'd like to see a good party based WRPG.  One of my favorite games of all time was/were Might and Magic 4 and 5 (4 and 5 were combined to become the World of Xeen).  I would love to play a similar game again....1st person, party based, character development, good mix of battle skills (spells, sword fighting, etc.), good mix of character classes, etc. and most of all, FUN.  I can live without the hours (exageration) of pointless wondering in games (I couldn't stand Morrowind because of this), but would like it to be fairly open ended.  I suppose games like that are better on the PC though.