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Comrade Tovya said:
My wife knows how I feel about Maria Ozawa, so I got nothing to worry about on my end. I'd rather post pics of my wife, 'cause she's hotter, but that's just sick, so I decided to post pics of a AV star because, well, she's not my wife... you guys can fantasize about her all you want.

Dang son, you can do that. My wife has a motto - look but don't touch. I could care less about dudes checking my wifey out - when they go to flirt, oh, we gotz probs.

Gimme these 5 ftw

5. Monica Bellucci

4. Sarah Palin (I won't lie - I do have a mad crush on her)

3. 3 of my former co-workers - all were smokin'

2. Halle Berry

1. You know, I will be honest, but Gwyneth Paltrow has my eye at the moment. It's just prolly Iron Man