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EaglesEye379 said:

Foreign exchange changes are playing a big part in Sonys books right now due to the nature of their business. These usually can be weathered through but its the last thing Sony needs right now so it certainly adds to why downsizing is happening.

If you have time, check out their presentation on their recent earnings releases, particularly pages 6 and 8 A big reason of decreasing income is due to foreign exchange changes.



I did read sony's last 10-q report, and did see that currency was one of their excuses, but imho, it's probably the chickens coming home to roost.  Sony was GIVING away PS3 for free last holiday season in droves, to help with HD format war, and they were giving tons of brd movies away for free as well...THAT is a far more important factor in their huge losses of profit margins then currency, imho, but how do you report that...oh...margins are down due to our giving away $hit for free?  I've been saying this for all of 2008, sony was going to have some major problems this year, unless brd really exploded...16k jobs cut later, I rest my case.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder