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SMcc1887 said:
We have too many economy "experts" on this site lol. Just sit back and let Sony fix the mess. They have many qualified people to deal with these things.


These messes can't be fixed quickly -- it will take years to fix the Playstation mess.  It was billions of dollars lost.

Look at the GI article.  One of the stated problems with Sony is that they don't have any core businesses with stable profits.  Prior to the PS3 their games division had very stable profits with approximately one unprofitable year every 5 or 6, and that unprofitable year was planned.

Sony needs to return their games division to profitability and the next serious opportunity to do that will be with the PS4.


I agree with you......What I would say is that whatever measures Sony takes, no matter what anyone says........they are for the good of the Company.

Not so fast.  Moves like cutting workforce and slashing R&D are rarely good for companies.  They may be necessary due to Sony's current cash problems, but if they were good for the company Sony would have made those moves earlier.

Also, it is not accurate to say, "Big companies must be smart because they're big."  Companies change as they grow.  They lose agility.  Sony was built around ideas that are now obsolete -- they used to have engineering teams compete to try to make the best product.  Now specializations leave Sony unable to make a lot of their own stuff at all, much less have competing teams do it in parallel.