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there will be a PS4, but no price-cut anytime soon. Sony has some real issues. currency is just one point, but not having a great and defining product is a bad thing.

  • In the 80s there was the walkman (Tapes)
  • 90s the PSOne
  • 2000 PS2
  • today.... well... not that much

There is canon or even casio with the cameras, there is Samsung, Philipps, Toshiba and Panasonic with the TVs, there is Microsoft and Nintendo with the gaming, there is Apple with mobile music, there is Nokia, Samsung, Apple with mobile phones etc.

There is no market you immediately associate with Sony anymore. Sony had a huge growth in the 80s and they were on a lot of markets, but now, companies are focussing on the core businesses. Sony has no core business left.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...