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c0rd said:
Max King of the Wild said:

 You guys are making it seem like if the game isn't as big as Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest then it didn't sell well... Just because Ratchet almost outsold a game doesn't mean the game didn't sell well. It just means that the Ratchet sold just as well...

It would be accurate to say "JRPG's sell just as well as other games in Japan unless they are 'blah'"

I mean look at the first 5 games of the Ps2 in Japan. 4 JRPGs they obviously are big in Japan. In the top 10 there are 6 JRPGs.

(the top 4 games which are RPGs outsell the next ten non RPGs...)

In America, the 3 main GTA games (3, VC, SA) take a pretty huge chunk of the top sellers in US (which consists almost entirely of Madden). Still, I wouldn't call the sandbox genre huge just because of GTA.

The RPG's you're talking about I already counted anyway - DQ, FF, and KH. Every other series is far smaller, something people don't seem to realize. After these main series, the best selling RPG franchise (besides MH, which is going to the Wii) is Tales.

I'm not saying JRPG's are unimportant, just that people often exaggerate the situation. People see the PS3 selling badly, and think any JRPG's might fix it - that just isn't the case. WKC to DQ is like comparing Saints Row to GTA... it may be similar or in the same genre, but it doesn't have the mainstream appeal.

I would call TPS huge in the US though.

WKC will sell well. The main point you guys were trying to make was JRPGs don't sell well if they arent titled FF or DQ.