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Jo21 said:
Domo-Kun said:
So fucking what?

FF7 was on 3 discs, nobody talks smack about that.

Every Star Ocean so far, with the exception of the very first one on SFC has been multi-disc, but nodbody bitched about them.


then came the DVD and FF x ffx 2 and ffxii were released on a single DVD


thats what he mean.

being cheap, you lose that.


To be honest with you, based on libraries, I would probably still choose the Xbox 360 as my main console, if it was 399, and the PS3 was 199. For me, it's not about the price. All of my friends have 360's, and I love Gears of War and Fable. I also love MGS4 and Disgaea but you have to make sacrafices either way. I can't imagine this generation without achievements. It adds a lot to the game for me.

I certainly would have both though, were I to have the more expensive console. It's impossible not to pick up an HD console for 199, whichever one it is. Especially when it consistantly pleasantly surprises you with huge 3rd party games, like Star Ocean, lol.

FFXIII for 360 might not have been a good day for Sony fans(it certainly wasn't a good day for me.)

...but for 360 owners, it was like hearing that you get the best game ever on your console, and your biggest competitor loses its biggest talking point. It was a 2 way swing of epic sex. I'm sure that was quite an orgasmic experience for 360 fanboys.

...anyway, my point is, "being cheap" assumes that you are getting an inferior product. It's an assumption that Sony fans keep trying to make a "general belief," but it isn't true.

As a gaming machine, the Xbox 360 is actually better, at equal pricing, because it has a better library, imo. Now, I'm not sure how many people would agree with me, but I know a couple of websites that would. The PS3 is a superior machine...but wouldn't it be an inferior console? Isn't console quality determined by its library? Wouldn't buying a superior/equal gaming console for half the price be considered "being smart" instead of "being cheap."

One of two things are undeniably true when discussing gaming consoles:

1. With the PS3 you get less than what you pay for.


2. With the Xbox 360, you get more than what you pay for.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.