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Ahh, DeltaXIII, that's cool. Thanx for spreading the holiday cheer! :)

DeltaXIII said:

Ramuji, do you want to add me to your friends anyhow? My Japanese Wii's list is a little empty.

Definitely, since I suffer from the same problem. I've just added  your FC. Here's mine: 8543-1141-9403-8457


noname2200: To avoid DeltaXIII getting the same game twice (as jlauro mentions), you might want to consider sending a private message to both his US Secret Santa and Japan Secret Santa (probably me) so we can then coordinate privately on game selection.

Nintendo Network ID: ramuji
Wii Friend Code: 8543-1141-9403-8457
3DS Friend Code: 1633-4130-0140
PS3 ID: ramuji_69