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Grey Acumen said:
wait, so I understood the part about not being able to play offline, but then the next part confused me.
So if I create a server with just bots, I CAN or I CAN'T stop other player from joining?

Bots are really not an option in TF2.  It can be done, and you can find servers with bots, but it's a hassle and the bots are dumb.

Best way to practice is to either play a game by yourself to practice the moves, like rocketjumping or whatever, and then joining a server labeled for noobs. 

Then again...joining a noob server might mean

A) Random jerk experts join and completely dominate, or
B) Everyone really is a noob, and it is god awful.

So I take that back...just join a "vanilla" server (no customizations) with a full 24 people and have at it.  That's the best way to get better, in my opinion.

I play on random servers, is one I play on more often though...the community is good's a little slower since Left 4 Dead came out though...I haven't actually played TF2 since then...I will get back into though.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )