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1. I don't know about gifted products, but if you bought Half-Life 2 and/or Episode One before the Orange Box, you'll be able to give them away as gifts. But that you've got Episode One as a gift... Don't ask.

2. Steam-only games will always require online activation. After that you can play in offline-mode, though.

3. Sorry, no idea. I don't own The Orange Box.

4. See above.

5. To me the first Half-Life felt like a pretty long game and compared to that, Half-Life 2 felt like a very short one. I'd say it's going to take about ten hours to complete Half-Life 2. The Episodes are shorter, though: I completed Episode Two in one night (yep, I played in from the beginning to the end without any major breaks). Oh, and Source engine loading times are horrible compared to those of the original Half-Life.

6. The last time I played it, it was essentially the same as the original Half-Life with the exception of added bugs. Yep, it was even worse than the original game. If you want a proper remake, you will have to wait until Black Mesa (a mod for the Source engine) gets released next year. And no, the expansions of Half-Life (Opposing Force, Blue Shift) are not included with Half-Life: Source.