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TRios_Zen said:
IMO you absolutely can not go wrong with either of these games.

AT gunpoint if I was forced to choose one over the other, I'd pick Gears 2 only because the multi-player will last for a good time to come (for me).

@Kitler53, just wondering, are you a fan of WRPGs? I don't think Fable 2 is going to win someone over who isn't a fan of the genre, but hardly found anything to despise in it. Oh well, you are entitled to your opinion, I just wonder as you clearly did not like it.


i'm not sure how to answer the wrpg part but i loved fable 1 and the prospect of fable2 was my entire reason for purchasing a 360 (about 2 years ago).

i know a lot of people thought fable1 was disappointing but i loved it.  fable2 is just like fable1 except that it's worse is almost every respect.  fable2 was heavily gimped what spells you could learn creating a lack of depth in game play.  the controls were revamped making multiple spell selection extremely user unfriendly forcing me to oversimplify my combat strategy to fit the oversimplified controls.  combat was ridiculously easy and unsatisfying due to incredibly lame AI.  and worst of all - fable2 easily had the most horrible ending i have ever played.  i swear they must of been in a time crunch and just decided not to finish the game.

"...did not like it." doesn't even begin to explain how much i hated this game.  i bought a 360 specificly for fable2 and had i known how horrible this game was going to turn out...i never would have bought a 360.