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@Mr Stickball

My roommate owns Valkyria Chronicles and I own The Last Remnant. I'm pretty deep on VC, Chapter 13 presently. Valkyria Chronicles is the better game. That isn't a knock on the The Last Remnant. VC doesn't have any technical or frame rate issues and from my experience the story is better. They are two wildly different takes on the SRPG genre. I like them both but VC is a 9.5/10 game to for me. So far, I'd give TLR and 8/10. I think ToV and LO are better games than TLR, but I think TLR is better than Enchanted Arms, Eternal Sonata, Infinite Undiscovery, and Blue Dragon.

VC's battle system is turn based and real time at the same time. A soon as you select your character to move, the game become real time and it even has a nice cover mechanic. With the exception of the first Selvaria encounter, the game has no battles that you can't win on the first try with good strategy. VC is kind of hard to describe, playing it is really the best way to get a feel for it. Despite is unique cell shaded style the game is far more mature than you'd think. It handles the issue of war and discrimination with a surprising level of seriousness. The closest 360 game I can think to VC as far as mood would be ToV but that still isn't a good match.

TLR's battle system is the deeper of the two. I still find myself figuring out new quirks each time I play. TLR with all the optional side quests is the longer of the two games. I've been nearly as much time into TLR as I have VC and I've barely scratched the surface. The initial narrative of TLR just isn't as compelling VC. So far, I do find the Remnants interesting and I ultimately do want to know why Irina was taken. That said, the characters just lack the dept and personality of those in VC. In VC, every unit has a story, background, and unique quirks. The units in TLR are generic outside of the generals and leaders.

I've been running through ToS2 on my Wii and just finished that game. So I'll be getting back to TLR, IU, and VC this week. After having Emil as a lead character, Capell won't be near as annoying as before. I'll appreciate Rush even more and Welkin will do the impossible and become even more awesome.