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Hey why is my name in red? O_o

I though i gave all the info..?

OK here it is again
_Wii code in my sig.
_I have the remote and classic controler.

P.S(please no virtual console game) I would LOVE to have WiiWare ones, World of Goo, Toki Tori, Space invaders, Final Fantasy MLaaK and Defend your Castle.
I would love you MORE if you gave me one (or all?!?) of these games than if you gave me something else, but a gift is a gift, i still will apreciate it. ^_^

^^^ This is what you get for blowing a rumor out of proportion

Chocobo brain damage!!! Here, drink this diet Coke..*runs*

Currently playing :

VC - Ogre Battle March of the Black Queen
Wii - New Super Mario Bros. Wii
DS - Glory of Heracels