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Well just as the title states I've tried many times to get my hands on a PS3, biggest reason that I didn't get one sooner is lack of funds usually due to things I have to pay that were outside of my control.  I've had a good chunk of change saved up for one but it's been slow to gain that dough, (sucks being in college and paying for bills, supplies, etc.) I even tried my best to get in the Amazon 200 dollar deal so I could afford it, it just never panned out.

But finally luck is on my side, work is having a deal for all it's employees where we get extra % off everything in the store, our used PS3's run 350 but with the deal it only costs around 260, I'm trading in my old PSP (which has dust in the screen and battery is trying to die but good enough condition to trade in, which was like that when I got it) and a few games (doing some promos I know I'm getting a boosted 70% trade in) which brings down the PS3 cost to nearly nothing and all I'm going to do about my PSP is just put the new 3000 model on my wishlist so I can get a better PSP to use ^_^ if push comes to shove when I get my student refund when school starts back I'll just get one then.

In short by the end of this weekend I'll be VGCs newest PS3 owner, and will be set for this generation of gaming IMO, the first game I'm going to get is LBP, second being MGS4 but because I am on a budget I'm probably getting LBP the day I get my PS3 and then MGS4 on Christmas if I can.  After that I finally want to get my own copies of Soul Calibur 4, Unreal 3, and R&C so I don't have to keep playing my friends PS3.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000