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theprof00 said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
theprof00 said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
bardicverse said:
theprof00 said:

This is what you don't understand. PC has the hacking community, PC has system requirements.
Consoles, have almost no cheaters, have a more difficult aiming ability (and therefore a steeper learning curve, allowing for good gamers to reach high scores fairly quickly),
have no system requirements.

BTW maxwell, where in the OP did it mention that quote?


Yeah... what? Most games going all the way back to Quake 3 Arena have some sort of anti cheating mechanism that boots cheaters offline. Cant hack a game without the source code to modify it, and the honest truth is, no gamer is getting their hands on a company's source code unless it is purchased or freely offered by the dev.


Exactly what I was thinking, I mean I played about 3 years of Unreal 2004 on PC without meeting a cheater, in fact the last time I played a cheater was on Starcraft back in 2003... so yeah... lots of cheaters everywhere on PC ZOMG!!! 

Also with every post you seem more and more like my kind of guy bardicverse!

wow, I really hope you are both kidding. I see hackers everyday on cod, CS, and most every other online game including yahoo games like scrabble. I now know what kind of people I am arguing with, thank you and goodnight.



Yes an actual PC game developer like Bardicverse could not possibly know what he's talking about over someone who doesn't seem to understand what the OP is even trying to state, then claim all he sees are cheaters online, and then tries to act like he's superior when the only thing that he's superior at is being a fanboy... really interesting...

Though I highly doubt you see hackers probably someone that just curb stomps you with pure skill and reaction time, though if you play a lot of console FPS games then it's understandable you can't handle the big boys on PC.

Wow, is anyone else reading this? does anyone else see how completely over the edge this person is? simply amazing maxwell.

I always thought you were a bit of a fanboy, but now I can see you are more than that. You are a delusional fanboy.

I really hope you are just joking with me.

This video may be a bit old, but there are plenty to pick from.


Warhammer Online


you wanna go for the jackpot genius? Final Jeopardy is next.


Haha yes there is cheating but cheating can be done with any game, anyway if people are cheating in your games as you so say then you're not playing on official servers, or not playing on PC at all which I suspect the 2nd option as you have no clue what the hell you're talking about.

PS: Using "fanboy" to counter "fanboy" isn't very original and rather weaksauce...

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000