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noname2200 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:


Actually you couldn't be more wrong, I support the Conduit based on it's controls being fully customizable more along the lines of PC customization (hmm I'm seeing a trend that all goes back to PC), a good Wii FPS not set in World War II, an interesting story about government conspiracy, 16+ multiplayer online, LAN support (none of that splitscreen crap), Wii Speak support, and hopefully no friend codes.  That and the fact it's obvious these guys are working their asses off to make a quality game on the Wii and believe in it so much that they would make it an Wii exclusive.  Plus they're wanting to push things so far as to use Wii motion plus when that will release just before the Conduit releases and will be one of the few games to support it.  

So why would I support it cause it looks nice?  I mean I got a huge list of reasons to support it that are ten times better reasons to support it then pointless graphics.

Pointless graphics? Are you that ignorant?

So controls are everything, huh? I guess The Conduit is gonna be better than Killzone 2, right? o_o

Leaving aside how silly y'all are being (my unreleased game's better than your unreleased game! ), this damned argument is getting too long. You don't need to quote the whole bloody mess every single time. especially if you're just adding two lines...



I wasn't having a "my game is better then your game slapfest though :'(  But really I stated "pointless graphics" wrong I was meaning more of graphics that do nothing to improve the gameplay, like graphics that improve draw distance = good! graphics that only add polygons and do nothing to improve gameplay = pointless, but we're at a point in gaming where it's less of the graphics that improve gameplay and now it's shifted towards "how many polygons and pretty textures can we give this game?" which doesn't add anything to the game in the least, except for eye candy.

Controls and gameplay are first and foremost the most important parts of a game, after that is presentation, then graphics and sound. 

Side Note: I don't like Killzone nor Killzone 2, the story isn't interesting to say the least, the graphics are good on a technical standpoint but the colors they chose to make the worlds make everything look a little flat to me, I mean yes I've watched countless videos, yes I've seen whats going on and from a technical standpoint it's by far the best FPS on consoles, but what I hate is the style of the game which is why everything falls flat to me.  Okami is a much better looking game IMHO.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000