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What follows is a rumor from an unknown quantity. So I cannot affix any qualification as to validity. I also expressly forbid the copying, pasting, rephrasing, or linking said rumor to any external site. This rumor is only intended for this communities consideration. I have no capacity whatsoever to verify what was related to me. So it should be considered highly toxic. I am in no way connected with any entity which would entitle me to any special knowledge. Nor could I even vouch for the source in that regard. Bottom line don't print this shit on your site or blog it is not worthy. Rumors are like assholes everyone has one, and most of the time all that comes of it is crap. Why is this here then the answer is simple its thought provoking, and relevant to console and game sales in as to how something like this would effect them. Now that I have put off the vultures that are too lazy to work for a living.

This is the story as I understand it to be. Microsoft has developed a dual pricing strategy for next year around their new first party games. They will come in two flavors standard and economy. No these are probably not the technical terms, but they serve as a good way to differentiate the two classes of games. Standard is what you usually get, and what you usually pay. Economy games are no less well made, but they will retail for a third less to half less. The only reference I was given was the United States, as in games launch priced at forty, and thirty dollars. Further more the source only claims knowledge of this region. However assumption on my part is that something similar will go in effect in other regions.

The source indicated knowledge of at least six such titles that will be available for retail next year. I want to specify here that these are not titles published by Microsoft. These are titles developed by Microsoft's in house studios. Thus first party if anyone is confused. They are supposedly retail packages, and not expansions for current games. My subjective opinion is that this may be the pricing strategy Microsoft is adopting for games developed by Rare. Seeing as Rare already released two titles this year at this price point. However six titles is a rather large commitment for one in house developer. So I thought perhaps the next game from Lionhead, and a game from Bungie. The later if the source is confused by the difference between a second and first party.

This if true could have a major impact on the console wars next year. Having one high definition player fully embrace a dual priced system in earnest as a keystone of their strategy would most likely compel the other player to do the same. Which is a winning scenario for gamers. Then again as the coin has been termed it can also be viewed as predatory pricing. Forcing the competitor to concede software profits to stay competitive. Either way I am stoked at least I may get a few new games next year that will not be hitting my wallet hard. Anyone have any thoughts?