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One thing I like about multi-disc games is that it makes me want to buy the game instead of rent or buy used, so you know that when you get to that second disc you dont' have a bad one and have to wait.

One thing I dislike about them is that you have to get up to change, but really I don't mind.

I'll never forget FFVII disc 1, because you play the game for like 30 hours and your still on disc 1 and you're like WTF!!!??? How long is this!? I think it was designed like that, to be front loaded on time, because it made the game seem even more epic when you first play through it.

Anyway, yeah, I don't care how many discs it is. I know about 5 PS3 owners that would kill their mothers to play this, even if it required a 5 hour mandatory install and 3 BR discs. It doesn't matter how you play the game, just IF you play the game.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.