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scottie said:
LBP and Wii Music selling incredible for new IP. Both will hit 1 million next week, both will hit 2 million lifetime easily, 3 million a possibility.

How the hell is that a flop?

One can argue that both of them have flopped relative to publishers' expectations. Recall that LBP was supposed to be Sony's biggest property in all three regions this year, and that it was supposed to be a hardware mover as well. Neither has happened.

Wii Music's doing well enough in the West, but I'm sure Nintendo expected it to do better. More solidly, it has yet to sell its initial shipment in Japan, despite having six weeks to do so. I can all but guarantee that that's not something Nintendo anticipated.

It's a pity for both, since they're both fantastic games (especially Wii Music), and I'm sure they're both profitable by now, but I think it's safe to say that Sony and Nintendo were expecting their titles to do more than they have so far.