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ok, i should rephrase. ive played some with my friends, but i never really played them in depth. and even though i understand that nearly all of the games are solid (i have fun playing a lot of them) i still want him to be used less. its not a matter of quality, because nintendo usually has quality. its about repetition, because mario is easily the most used game character and its getting annoying to see him.

and if you read my post it would say that im cool with mario platformers (i especially want the next one to be great and revitalize the platforming genre, but i personally still fear it might be too gimmicky. i wont pass judgment but those are my thoughts). of all nintendo games i want galaxy to succeed the most, even more than brawl and i love ssb to death.

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.