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The Ghost of RubangB said:
The terrorists already won when we made the Patriot Act, started detaining people without trials, condoned torture, and started living in fear and became more racist, xenophobic, and intolerant than we already were. Why would they want to do it again?


Who is this "we" you're talking about? I've seen nothing of the sort. I won't comment on the beginning part because I haven't looked much into that topic. The rest sounds like a silly child's rant, to be honest. What do you have to prove what you said?

What you described could have been used for a few months after the 9/11 attack, but I don't think that fits at all. In fact, the way we reacted against 9/11 was an improvement on our "racism" problems. Did we lock away all the middle-eastern people like we did to the Japanese in WWII? If anything, that "racism" you speak of is mostly people's fear, which I'd say quickly died down in subsequent years. I've never seen anyone be mean to someone who looks middle-eastern, and I've never heard of anything like that in the news. I even have a few middle-eastern friends and they've never had any problems.