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Comrade Tovya said:
1337 Gamer said:
Comrade Tovya said:
1337 Gamer said:
Comrade Tovya said:

Garnett and I have have been talking about an interesting subject matter in another thread...

So I'm just curious as to what everyone else thinks right now.  Of course, the opinions are subject to change, because it's too early to know yet...

But none-the-less, if you had to make a prediction today, what do you think Microsoft will choose for their next media format for the next XBOX? 

The only thing I am almost sure about, is that standard DVDs are not big enough, and it's unlikely that MS or Nintendo would choose to help line Sony's coffers by using Blu-ray (though it is not out of the realm of possibilities or course).

If it were me, I would probably chose HD DVD as the physical format because Toshiba abandoned it, and of course MS is/was part of the HD DVD Consortium and therefore it is partially theirs anyway.  Hence, the royalties would be almost nothing to pay out, the disc space is comparable to Blu-ray, and the technology is cheaper and easier to produce discs on than Blu-ray.  Plus, there are literally hundreds of thousands of HD DVD drives out there that MS could buy for pennies on the dollar, making the console still relatively cheap.

Plus, as this generation has well shown, people don't really care if their consoles play movies... the Wii doesn't and it's the #1 console on the market by far, the XBOX 360 only play standard DVDs and it sucks at doing that, and the PS3 plays Blu-rays and upconverts beautifully, but it's in far, far last place.

It's my opinion also that MS should offer a full new-release game download service like Sony does with the PSN and then also offer (if they could work it out with the 3rd party guys) a streaming game subscription service... it would be pricey, but for people like me who buy 20-30 game titles a year, it would be cost effective.  And for those who only buy 2-3 titles a year, they could just buy a physical disc or download it to their HDD.

Just my idea of course (and is subject to change).  What kind of ideas do you guys have?


Yeah thats been my opinion too. Microsoft can use HD-DVD if they want. Thres nothing to stop them and it is a really good technology and will address the lack of disk space on DVD- 9. They own the Technology so they should use it


I think so too... just change the name of the format to shed the "loser" tag that the name HD DVD has.. maybe HD MD (High-def Media Disc).  Then again, maybe something better & cheaper is here before that time arrives..


 Yeah but why does it necessarily have to be able to play Movies in BR. I mean much like BR, HD-DVD has multiple layers. If i remember correctly they had a triple layer HD-DVD with 51 GB a couple years ago and i imagine that they can add alot more layers. So why not use HD-DVD for the games and expand their current NETFLIX service for playing Movies.


I mean because adopting the latest and greatest Movie player always assures victory ;)


I couldn't agree more... I actually said the same thing a couple of times in this thread.  I think the inclusion of Blu-ray would actually hurt MS far more than it would help them.. Just ask Sony, that's why they are losing the latest console war.

Well im glad im not the only one thinking this. Lol to everyone who thinks blu-ray us the end all be all of media formats it still has a long way to go. I for one dont see it on any consoles except the PS4 next gen


Long Live SHIO!