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numonex said:
Tekken 6 will sell more on the XBox 360 than the PS3.


And why is that exactly?

I am going to assume you are basing this over the realization that T6 was a once PS3 exclusive game gone multiplat, the likes of which we have seen so far GTAIV, DMC4,FFXIII.

GTAIV sold better on 360 then PS3.

But here is the twist....

GTAIV had exclusive content going for it while the PS3 version did not. This was a huge incentive to get it on 360 as both games were said to look identical otherwise. Looking back now though.....some might feel regret as majority of all GTAIVs returned to GameStop are......360 versions! THe actually stronger fanbase bought it on PS3 as less were returned by the next day. I believe that partially the 360 fanbase bought that game on the hype, even if they don't like the genre like sheep jumping off a cliff. That seems to be the issue with most 360 games. They buy it because everyone else is,  not becuase they are trully interested. What else could explain my Gamestop getting several Halo 3 games returned within 6 FREAKING HOURS of it's release?

DMC4 sold better on PS3.

Enchanted Arms was a timed exclusive RPG for 360 that ended up selling better on PS3, as horrible as it was.

FFXIII is yet to be determined but I can tell you this. FFXIII never truly made it's mark on the world befoe Playstation and that is a fact. Until FFVII they were simply surviving as a gaming company,and were not revaled as a force to be reckoned with. if a weak RPG such as EArms sold better on PS3 so will FFXIII, not to mention the fact it is still exclusive to PS3 in Japan AND it was completly designed around it as the lead system.

Tekken 6 I believe will either sell more on PS3 or about equal. PS3 has the history. THe loyalty, the controller. Something 360 CANT buy away. And I actually hope the game sells LESS then tekken 5. That will teach these unloyal companies to stop screwing SONY on promised deals(And dont you dare say T6 was never promised as the early trialers stated that the game was PS3 EXCLUSIVE).





Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)