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DMeisterJ said:
VGC was down?


Yup, for about a half hour or so...  Still was under 1000 people on line, but wasn't peek time...  and it's been a long time when there was below 700 people online (not counting restarts), and it only goes that low on the weekends. 

@Falcon095:  I'm not sure, but I think that is so people don't try to post anything about the numbers while the are in the middle of being updated.  Even if they are in flux for only a minute, someone will post sometime like such-n-such had no sales...

@SHMUPGurus: It was an upgrade, not an update.  Just bigger, faster hardware.  So the site will not die if everyone uses the nifty new signatures and other stuff talonman is adding, and so several thousand extra people from digg can come online without the server having as much slow down or worse issues.