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I agree 100%. I want to see Killzone everywhere I go from the middle of Febuary tell the middle of April. Sony blew it big time with Little Big Planet, and they need to get it right now.

They need to hit this thing up from all angles. The internet is already ablaze, and gamers will buy the game. Now Sony needs to hit the mainstream. TV advertising has got to be top notch. Teaser commercials 14 days out, 7 days out commercials showing online, and single, finally lauch + 2 weeks it is here now.

Now to the guy saying who cares about sales. The sales of this game are very important. In fact every SCE games sales are important if that is what you are into. The better the games sell the more Sony makes, and Sony making money means better prices on PS3, and more money for development, and R&D. In some cases companies getting more money than they need is a good thing, but Sony is a differant story. Sony is not a roll in the profits, and sit on the mountains of money type of buisness.

Out of all the big companies out there Sony is the only one I trust with my money. They are always putting cash into R&D, and they are always looking at ways to expand. Even when they are in tough time, they continue to move forward and deliver great products. As a consumer there is no reason not to love Sony. The only people that should have any problem with them is investors. Sony is always taking risks, and hoping things turn out in the end. For a consumer this is a good thing, but for as an investor it is a nightmare.

Right now Sony is on a roll. SCEWWS is finally working the way it was invisioned, and compatability across the company is heading in the right direction. The only thing that is left is profit to further aid new R&D, and allow them to continue to polish software and hardware tell it is to the quality you would expect from the best CE company in the world.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams