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Oyvoyvoyv said:

I wasn't really sure where to put this, so I put it here.

Essentially, this is a quiz. It only contains data from VGChartz. The question is - how much do you know? Okay, so simply copy and paste the 10 questions below into a rich text reply, and answer the questions. At the end of my post, I will post a link to the correct answers. I know this will let you be able to cheat, but I trust that you are all smart people, who won't do such stupid things 


Of course, you have to score youself. Post your score


I recommend doing the quiz - it will just take a couple of minutes tops, and it could be fun.

So anyway, on to the quiz. Oh, and if anyone else wants to make a quiz, that is great.


1. What is the best selling console game in Japan? And how much has it sold? I will go with Super Mario Bros.. with around.. 6m?


2. How much has the Wii, Ps3 and X360 sold combined so far this year (up untill week ending 29th November) i will say 35m


3. Not counting Wii Sports, what is the best selling single-platform game in Americas so far this year (up untill week ending 29th November) Mario Kart Wii..?


4. What is the best selling game in Japan so far this year? Monster Hunter Freedom 2G (is this the name?)

5. How many units has the PsP sold WW? 40m


6. How many games have sold over 10K on Wii, according to VGChartz data? Er.. i will say a number.. 453..


7. How much more has the combined versions of GTA IV sold than the combined versions of Call of Duty 4? Around 3.5 m


8. How many % of the games that have beaten 10M on a single machine, have "Mario" in its name? Around 70%?


9. How many % of the DS, PsP, Wii, X360 and Ps3's sales come from Americas? o.0 wth? Er.. 40%


10. How much retail software was sold on black friday week 2008, according to VGChartz? Damnit, i thought it was hardware.. 3m..


EDIT - I will say my score now

1- 10

2- 8

3- 7

4- 10

5- 10


7- ...


9- Again.. I FAILED FOR .1!!! 6 u_u

10 - no comment

TOTAL: 51.. Freaking 3 and .1


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