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Here's my thoughts:

Any gamer, without exception, who would purchase Killzone 2, no matter how good it is as a FPS, over the sequel to Resident Evil 4, it committing blasphemy in my eyes.

There are FPS, there are games, and there are Resident Evil 4. It was, without exception, my favorite game of the PS2 era, and RE5 deserves out sales just because it is related to RE4 in any way.

RE4 influenced every third person shooter, and horror game that came after it, with its innovative and fantastically fun gameplay. Not only that, however, the game packed a majorly huge campaign, and the merc mode was without a doubt the best "minigame" ever introduced.

Without RE4, Gears of War and Dead Space either might not exist, or wouldn't be as good. It was a peerless example of quality in graphics, gameplay, and content.

I don't care how good KZ2 is, what console it's on, how good it lucks, how big of a fanboy you are, if you only buy exclusive games, whatever. In my opinion, anyone who chooses to buy any FPS over the sequel to Resident Evil 4 is committing blasphemy.

Also, I don't care what your opinions are about RE4. I don't care if you hated the game, or thought it was over-rated, you're not going to piss me off about it. In my opinion, RE4 being an epic achievement is a fact. It's the Godfather 2 of gaming. If you "didn't like it" you probably have bad tastes. Yes, in fact, opinions can't be wrong, so that's why they invented the term "bad tastes." Your opinion isn't wrong, it's just bad.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.