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All the FF games will be around 40 to 60 hours, but a good 40 to 60 hours, and FFIV on the DS adds things to the story that wasn't in the other remakes. FFIV GBA has an extra dungeon but it's really no big deal.

The reason the PS1 versions were bad was because of VERY slow load times, some errors at times (at least with FFIV in my experience), and bad translations, the newer translations (GBA, PSP and DS) are much MUCH better, and are great cause they're on the go.

But there's no real order to play them in unless you want order of greatness then it would be FFIV, FFII, FFI, and then FFIII, IMHO.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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