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I was worried if I hit randomly join a ranked competitive game, I won't bring the whole party with me. Apparently, that's not true. I will do that next time :)

I enjoy the co-op games much more than the competitive games though. It's very addictive and I hope Insomniac will release more maps and mission soon. I know people either love it or hate it. Luckily, a pretty good number of my my PSN friends enjoy it.

Dogs, please don't feel that way. You are not letting your teammates down, it's a co-op game! Just like MMOG, You need your teammates to help you level up and later you will help other people out. The reason you feel others are doing better than you is because they are in higher levels and much better equipped, also they know the maps inside out. Trust me, if I can level up to 30 for a FPS co-op, you can do it with your eyes closed :)

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX