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I really hope Sony sticks to this plan. The PS3 will be fine at $399 for most of next year. Of course they will not sell like Microsoft and Nintendo, but they will still sell at nearly three times the rate of the Xbox and the Gamecube. Right now the most important thing is for SCE to start making money. Sony has started to rely heavly on its first party development, but if SCE is unprofitable that is hard to do.

Keys to 09 for SCE

Gaming Side

To me the smartest move Sony can make is marketing the crap out of Killzone 2, and InFamous at the start of the year. If they can move 3M+ of each game fairly quick and sustain legs they can gain a lot of profit form the titles, and with both titles looking amazing consoles should move. Japan is looking solid already with Street Fighter 4, Biohazard 5, and the Final Fantasy Advent Children/Final Fantasy XII demo Blu-ray to start off the year. Moving into the summer they need to start hype for the big games coming, and spread them out. I think this year showed bring out titles for three consectutive weeks is a bad idea. I can already see the mess releaseing Ratchet and Clank Future 2 Oct. 21, Uncharted 2 Oct. 28, Heavy Rain Nov. 3, God of War III Nov. 9, and Gran Turismo 5 Nov. 16 would cause. It would probably be smart o bump a few of thouse titles to 2010.

Store Side

At CES Sony needs to update consumers on the state of the Playstation Store. I think announcing a Music store, with music videos would be a good start. Hopefully we would see that no later than March. Adding a subscription plan to the video and music sections would also be a very major addition. Both of these would make consumers more confortable in purchasing the system. Blu-ray, plus video streaming machines are going to become huge next year.

Price Side

Leave the price the same. With all the great software coming in the early part of the year they will be able to sell systems, and they will be making some nice software income. Summer is normaly slow, and a product with such little hype would not gain much from a price drop during these months. With E3 moving to June this year I think Sony should move its Gamers day events back to late August or early September. At this point I think they can go ahead and trun up the heat. The best possible scenario would be a same day announce and on sale, slim PS3 at $299. If this happens at that time it gives them some time for the word to spread, and it makes for perfect momentum going into the holiday season.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams