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I don't foresee nintendo going down anytime soon. I do however see miyomoto retiring within the next 10 or so years; and much like all artists. His creations will only increase in value.

Microsoft is a bit different, I sorta see the next few xboxes becoming well. Watered-down PCs. In a effort to save windows, which I'm gonna assume is gonna naturally decline over the next couple of years as problems become more and more apparent and more people choose macs over PCs. The 9th generation xbox will have windows installed on it and be able to install and play PC games on your television. Giving it a slight boost, although most PC gamers will shun the xbox.

Sony, I can foresee Sosy still being around with a PlayStation 4 or 5. I sorta seeing them abandoning the PlayStation 3 long before its 10 year lifespan though. Since Ol' Ken isn't at the helm, the next PlayStation will be much different from what we've seen before and they will undoubtedly take shots at Nintendo again.

I also I'm gonna wager a guess that we're gonna see apple chip into the race in the near future. I wouldn't mind a 4 legged race.

Why must JRPG female leads suck so bad?