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radha said:

So there is no definition for hardcore?? 0_o if we where talking about something else would it be hard to say what hardcore is ???? if i say am a hardcore driver but i own a Honda  civic, am i hardcore???can i be compared to someone with an r-type sports car or a collection car???? is hardcore someone that drives home every day????

Well, in reading what I have for the last year, no: there's no commonly accepted definition for hardcore in the gaming community.  I've read several different attempts to define the term, and so far, there hasn't been any consensus.  (Or, to quote Wikipedia: "There is currently no unanimously agreed upon definition for the term.")  You, in particular, seem to feel that "hardcore" means the kinds of games you and your friends happen to like.  You can't seem to provide any real definition, or reasoning, except to rattle off a bunch of games you think are cool.  And so, because your "definition" is so very loose and flawed, your attempt to make a pronouncement like Wii-only owners cannot be "hardcore" comes across as immature, short-sided and vaguely like an attempt to insult. 

So look, if you think it's a big issue, and that gamers need to be divided up into camps and labelled because that'll make the PS3's shrinking marketshare somehow more palatable, or whatever it is that is your issue, be my guest.  But before you do, go ahead and put some more thought into it

But really, instead of spending your time trying to pin down the root essence of hardcoreness, you should probably be asking yourself: what on earth does it matter?