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BoleroOfFire said:
@Comrade: So there were no 'hardcore' consoles out before this gen? Because they couldn't offer you the graphics and sound like the PS360 can? That's seems like a very narrow definition.

OT: If the person is talking about first place as if the Wii doesn't exist, then yes, it should be brought up. What's wrong with a friendly reminder?


Actually, allow me to explain.

When I was a kid, I was an early adopter of both the Atari 2600 and the Mattel Intellivision.  For that generation, the Intellivision was as real as it got.  The intellivision games had crude voice, and the visuals were far better than anything during that time or prior to that time.  B-17 Bomber made you feel like you were "in the game".  It was an awesome experience back then on my 27" COLOR TV!!  I was the coolest little kid on the block.

Then the next gen, I got the NES & Sega MS.  The Master System did it for me!  Wow, I only thought I knew great graphics on the Intellivision until I put on my 3D glasses in Space Harrier 3D on a 35" Sony CRTV... now that was as real as it got!

After that, the "in game experience" died for me until the PS2 & Original XBOX were released... I couldn't believe it!  480p graphics on my Mitsubishi 45" big screen TV with 5:1 surround sound.  The realism of SOCOM & Halo were just more than I could bare.

And then, drum roll please.... I got an XBOX 360 and PS3... 1080p graphics and 7:1 surround sound on my Yamaha system & 65" Sony Bravia!  Rumble controllers, stearing wheels with real-time feedback.  That's the "hardcore" experience for me.  I only thought I knew "hardcore" prior to that.

2018, virtual gaming machines.  You literally see, taste, smell, and feel your surrounding in a virtual world.  XBOX 360?  What the hell is that?

My point is, each generation surpasses the last for realism and that virtual gaming experience.  And someday, we'll look back on these 3 consoles and laugh at their inferior technology just like our kids laugh at us for emmersing ourselves in the Atari 2600 back in 1982.  Our grandkids will laugh at our Wii, PS3, and 360 someday as well.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
