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Zen, why not try taking at look at maxconsole and let us know how the 360 fans are over there. Some of the worst trash talking people I have come across on the internet. Even moderators there trash talk the PS3 and it's users on a dialy basis.

That is a big 360 biased site, from the users, to the moderators, all the way up to the guy who posts each and every article. I used to go to that site all the time before I found VGChartz, migrated from, to MaxConsole and then to here.

If you think PS3 fans are the only ones who are dislusional, hypocritical or just downright causing you to become dizzy due to massive spin, then sorry my friend, but you just haven't been around enough sites yet.

This is a site that generally posts news up long before any of the users here have a chance.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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