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Fumanchu said:
Well it's sort of chicken-eggy then because many people will not adopt Blu-ray until the disc prices are far less dear...but they need the higher install base to justify making them cheaper.

It just seemed like as soon as DVD was released you couldn't find a new release VHS anywhere...let alone for a third of the price of a DVD. I guess the gains aren't as extreme and there's more incentives to stick with DVD as every man and his dog most assuredly owns one and for some reason it's accepted as 'good enough'.

Maybe Sony could pioneer a timed release strategy i.e. release Sony Pictures movies a week earlier on Blu-ray than DVD, they have the means and motivation to do such a move.

Actually, it was years before DVD prices were below VHS, and that's doubly absurd considering the manufacturing costs behind each. VHS, with its crazy moving parts, were far more "expensive" to make, they just had to fit a price point to reach consumers. DVD was a luxury item and was priced as such. Over time, those two ideas will meld (as production costs drop) and Blu-ray will consume the market.

There is no reason it won't. Unless a new format arises.

Again, to point out what I'm saying, I think many of you didn't know that DVD even existed until 1998 or 1999, long after it was released. With the internet around now, we pay attention to these things and can find out up-to-the-minute information on everything. These comparisons and timelines just don't make sense to someone who kicked and screamed over DVD for three fuckin' years before people started buying them en masse.


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