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Fumanchu said:
It will ultimately be the movie studios that dictate the future success of the medium, should they cutback their support of DVD it will become a mass market item otherwise there seems to be a large percentage of "DVD looks good enough" quoters and of course the price of Blu-ray movies in comparison is a hard motivator, regardless of how cheap the entry level players are. DVD is the previous generation that just won't die like the PS2.

Wrong. Consumers will decide because not every movie studio would take that "Blu-ray first" mentality and consumers would continue to flock to their product, ensuring additional sales and profits over the more expensive Blu-ray titles.

In the end, consumers will flock to Blu-ray when the price is competitive with DVD. When there is little price advantage to be found from buying DVD over Blu-ray, there is no reason to stick with the old format, even if you own an SDTV with mono sound. As time passes, fewer and fewer people will see a reason not to upgrade.

This won't be a DVD vs. VHS battle where huge gains are made... This will be a slow, uphill climb for Blu-ray and they better hope no other format appears on the horizon within the next five years. Personally, I don't think one will.


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