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Fumanchu said:
It will ultimately be the movie studios that dictate the future success of the medium, should they cutback their support of DVD it will become a mass market item otherwise there seems to be a large percentage of "DVD looks good enough" quoters and of course the price of Blu-ray movies in comparison is a hard motivator, regardless of how cheap the entry level players are. DVD is the previous generation that just won't die like the PS2.


No.  The movie studios won't decide, it will be the consumer.  If people don't buy Blu-ray players because they are too expensive, I assure you that Hollywood is not going to start telling the 95% of the world that still watches standard DVDs to take a hike.  They want money, and the market will decide if Blu-ray ever actually becomes the norm.  I hope it does, or I'll be mad that I wasted my money on a BD player.

Either way, Sony needs to cut the players ASAP (and not just a $150.00 player black Friday sale).  I mean they need to make it the standard pricing, or streaming media will kill Blu-ray before it's even had a chance to blossom.  DVDs are still good enough for the large majority of the world.


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