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Hating Blu-Ray because of the early price is completely full of sh*t... I remember the cost of DVD players when the format launched, they were phreaking expensive... Eventually DVD's got cheap and took over the market... It's the hardware cycle, eventually it becomes faster, cheaper and smaller (while software becomes slower, more expensive and larger), new technologies are always gonna cost a lot first, then get cheaper...

And other thing that happens, when the format gets obsolete and discontinued, the price raises, but when it gets old and is still used (Like the DVD, because BR-Players support DVD) it only gets cheaper...

So i support Blu-Ray (or HD-DVD in case that format won), because that format brings us an HD experience, it will become cheaper (HDTVs are already at an affordable price, and BR-players are already selling for less than 200.00), and it will make the DVDs cheaper too, so i get Stand-Up comedy cheaper on DVD, but i also get movies like The Dark Knight Blu-Ray for true HD...